In today’s hyper-connected, technology driven world, there is incredible power to be found in stillness.
As a species, humans are more distracted than at any point in history.
We are so obsessed with our phones and our tablets and our social media profiles that we’ve lost the ability to hear our own voices.
Fortunately, there is a simple and highly effective way to deal with all of this distraction.
Creating time each day to be alone with your thoughts in a still, quiet environment can do wonders for wellbeing and optimizing mental health.
This stillness allows us to get in touch with our own voice in the inner wisdom that we all have that lays dormant when drowned out by the myriad distractions and thieves of our time and attention.
Creating space for stillness creates room for clarity. A problem or challenge you are struggling with suddenly becomes less of a burden. Stillness allows one to cultivate intuition, which is often hard to access when there are so many distractions competing for our attention.
By unplugging, tuning out and going inward, we awaken important wisdom and profound insights that can guide us along the Longevity Path.