The average five-year old can sit comfortably in a full squat with no issues. Fast forward just ten years and the same kid can’t sit in a squat and has a tough time touching his toes without bending his knees.
What happened in such a short time? You can thank modernity. Sitting in chairs. Staring at screens. A lack of organized sports. Minimal connection to nature. An addiction to technology coupled with a drastic reduction in physical activity has been devastating for the health of young people across North America.
And for adults, the situation gets worse. Adults spend much of their waking hours staring at screens for work and leisure, while eating more than ever and exercising less. The outcome is brutally obvious: weight gain, heart disease, strokes, cancers, and early death.
Fortunately, there is a cure for the ills of modernity. This medicine is as old as humanity but has been largely ignored by modern humans. The prescription? Movement.
Mindful movement is the answer. Our bodies were designed to move. Movement, whether as walking, climbing, jumping, running, lifting or dancing is the ultimate expression of our humanity and is one of the key pillars of the Longevity Path Ethos.